Professor Fabio Antonaci – Curriculum Vitae
NAME: Fabio Antonaci, M.D. Ph.D.
POSITION TITLE: Associate Professor of Neurology, University of Pavia, Italy. fabio.antonaci@unipv.it
Education / Training
- 1983 Residency Programme in Neuropsicology and Evoked Potentials Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic and the Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania;
- 1986/87; 1987/88; 1990/91 Research Fellowship Ministry of Foreign Affairs, attending Department of Neurology University of Trondheim Norway;
- 1990-1994 Research Associate Dpt. of Neurology, Headache Centre and Pain and Psychiophisiology Lab University of Pavia C. Mondino Foundation Pavia
- 1994-2005. Research and Clinical Associate Restorative Neurology and Neurophisiopathology Lab University of Pavia C. Mondino Foundation Pavia
- 2005-2009 Aggregate Professor of Neurology, Headache Centre University of Pavia C. Mondino Foundation Pavia
- 2016 National Abilitation of Associate Professor
- 2009 -2012 Director Dpt of Neuroscience Policlinic of Monza, Italy
- 2013-2021 Headache Centre and Emergency Neurology Unit University of Pavia National Institute of Neurology C. Mondino Foundation Pavia
- Last Assignment – Director Headache and Cranial Neuralgia Emergency Unit , C Mondino Foundation Pavia
INSTITUTION AND LOCATION: University of Siena, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Medical Degree: MD.
YEAR: 1982
INSTITUTION AND LOCATION: University of Bari , Italy Specialty in Neurology:
YEAR(s): 1986
INSTITUTION AND LOCATION: University of Pavia, Italy Specialty in Neurophisiology:
YEAR(s): 1996
FIELD OF STUDY: Neurophisiology
INSTITUTION AND LOCATION: University of Trondheim, Norway Doctoral Thesis : PH.D
YEAR(s): 1998
Positions and Employment
- 1982-1986 Research Fellowship Ministry of Education, School of Specialization in Neurology University of Bari, I
- 1986/87; 1987/88; 1990/91 Research Fellowship Ministry of Foreign Affairs, attending Department of Neurology University of Trondheim, Norway;
- 1990-1994 Research Associate Dpt. of Neurology, Headache Centre and Pain and Psychiophisiology Lab, University of Pavia, C. Mondino Foundation, Pavia
- 1994-2005 Research and Clinical Associate, Restorative Neurology and Neurophisiopathology Lab, University of Pavia, C. Mondino Foundation, Pavia
- 2005-2009 Aggregate Professor of Neurology, Headache Centre, University of Pavia, C. Mondino Foundation, Pavia
- 2009 -2012 Director Dpt of Neuroscience and Headache Centre, Policlinic of Monza,
- 2013-2021 Associate Professor, National Scientific Eligibility Ministry of Education
- Last Assignment – Director Headache and Cranial Neuralgia Emergency Unit , C. Mondino Foundation Pavia
Membership in ENS
INVOLVEMENT: 2009- present ENS Chair Subcommittee for Headache (organization of workshops training course etc)
Honors (incl. public roles in other societies):
- 1989 – 1998 General Secretary European Headache Federation
- 1998 – 2002 Executive Committee of the European Headache Federation
- 2002 – 2004 Subcommitte member of: a) Post-Traumatic Headache International Headache Society (IHS) Classification and b) Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalgia International Headache Society (IHS) Classification
- 2004 – 2006 Vice-President European Headache Federation (EHF)
- 2006 – 2008 President Elect European Headache Federation (EHF)
- 2008 – 2010 President European Headache Federation (EHF)
- 2010- 2012 Member at large Executive Committee EHF
- 1993- present Chairman European Headache Federation Summer School
- 2007- 2011 President Cervicogenic Headache International Study Group (CHISG)
- 2011- Regional coordinator Lombardia Italian Society for the study of Headache (SISC)
- 2011- Deputy Chairman Scientific Committee University Consortium for Adaptive Disorders and Head pain (UCADH) Pavia
- 2012- General Secretary Italian Society for the Study of Headache (SISC)
- 2012 – Referee per la Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)
- 2010 – 2012 Referee Eurolight Project
Editorial Boards
- 1990-1999 Scientific Consultant Functional Neurology
- 1992-1999 Associate Editor Confinia Cefalalgica
- 2006- present, Journal of Headache and Pain
Recent peer-reviewed publications (within the last 3 years)
- Antonaci F, Ravaglia S, Grieco GS, Gagliardi S, Cereda C, Costa A. Familial hemiplegic migraine type 2 due to a novel missense mutation in ATP1A2. J Headache Pain. 2021 Mar 12;22(1):12.
- Antonaci F, Inan LE. Headache and neck. Cephalalgia. 2021 Apr;41(4):438-442.
- Antonaci F, Arceri S, Rakusa M, Mitsikostas DD, Milanov I, Todorov V, Ramusino MC, Costa A; Headache and Pain Scientific Panels of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN). Pitfals in recognition and management of trigeminal neuralgia. J Headache Pain. 2020 Jun 30;21(1):82.
- Diener HC, Antonaci F, Braschinsky M, Evers S, Jensen R, Lainez M, Kristoffersen ES, Tassorelli C, Ryliskiene K, Petersen JA. European Academy of Neurology guideline on the management of medication-overuse headache. Eur J Neurol. 2020 Jul;27(7):1102-1116.
- Dalla Volta G, Marceglia S, Zavarise P, Antonaci F. Cathodal tDCS Guided by Thermography as Adjunctive Therapy in Chronic Migraine Patients: A Sham- Controlled Pilot Study. Front Neurol. 2020 Feb 21;11:121.
- Cotta Ramusino M, De Cillis I, Costa A, Antonaci F. Impact of Medical Care on Symptomatic Drug Consumption and Quality of Life in Headache: A One-Year Population Study. Front Neurol. 2019 Jun 18;10:629.
- Ramusino MC, Perini G, Antonaci F, Costa A. The Treatment of Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias: An Overview. J Oral Facial Pain Headache. 2019 Winter;33(1):89-104.
- Antonaci F, Fredriksen T, Pareja JA, Sjaastad O. Corrigendum: Shortlasting,Unilateral, Neuralgiform, Headache Attacks With Conjunctival Injection, Tearing, Sweating and Rhinorrhea: The Term and New View Points. Front Neurol. 2018 Jul 18;9:547. Erratum for: Front Neurol. 2018 Apr 23;9:262.
- Antonaci F, Rossi E, Voiticovschi-Iosob C, Dalla Volta G, Marceglia S. Frontal infrared thermography in healthy individuals and chronic migraine patients: Reliability of the method. Cephalalgia. 2019 Apr;39(4):489-496.
- Steiner TJ, Buse DC, Al Jumah M, Westergaard ML, Jensen RH, Reed ML, Prilipko L, Mennini FS, Láinez MJA, Ravishankar K, Sakai F, Yu SY, Fontebasso M,Al Khathami A, MacGregor EA, Antonaci F, Tassorelli C, Lipton RB; Lifting The Burden: The Global Campaign against Headache. The headache under-response totreatment (HURT) questionnaire, an outcome measure to guide follow-up in primary care: development, psychometric evaluation and assessment of utility. J Headache Pain. 2018 Feb 14;19(1):15.