Pubblicazioni Prof. Fabio Antonaci
Elenco dalla pubblicazione più recente
- ANTONACI F, INAN LE. Headache and neck. Cephalalgia. 2020 Jul 29:333102420944878. Online ahead of print.
- ANTONACI F, ARCERI S, RAKUSA M, MITZIKOSTAS DD, MILANOV I, TODOROV V, RAMUSINO MC, COSTA A; Pitfals in recognition and management of trigeminal neuralgia. Headache and Pain Scientific Panels of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN). J Headache Pain. 2020 Jun 30;21(1):82.
- DIENER HC, ANTONACI F, BRASCHINSKY M, EVERS S, JENSEN R, LAINEZ M, KRISTOFFERSEN ES, TASSORELLI C, RYLISKIENE K, PETERSEN JA.European Academy of Neurology guideline on the management of medication-overuse headache. Eur J Neurol. 2020 Jul;27(7):1102-1116
- DALLA VOLTA G, MARCEGLIA S, ZAVARISE P, ANTONACI F. Cathodal tDCS Guided by Thermography as Adjunctive Therapy in Chronic Migraine Patients: A Sham-Controlled Pilot Study. Front Neurol. 2020 Feb 21;11:121.
- COTTA RAMUSINO MC,, De CILLIS I, COSTA A, ANTONACI F. Impact of Medical Care on Symptomatic Drug Consumption and Quality of Life in Headache: A One-Year Population Study. Front Neurol. 2019 Jun 18;10:629.
- ANTONACI F , ROSSI E, VOITICOVSCHI-IOSOB C, DALLA VOLTA G, MARCEGLIA S. Frontal infrared thermography in healthy individuals and chronic migraine patients: Reliability of the method. Cephalalgia. 2019 Apr;39(4):489-496.
- RAMUSINO MC, PERINI G, ANTONACI F, COSTA A. The Treatment of Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias: An Overview. J Oral Facial Pain Headache. 2019;33(1):89-104.
- SAKAI F, YU SY, FONTEBASSO M, Al KHATAMI A, MACGREGOR EA, ANTONACI F, TASSORELLI C, LIPTON RB;The headache under-response to treatment (HURT) questionnaire, an outcome measure to guide follow-up in primary care: development, psychometric evaluation and assessment of utility. Lifting The Burden: The Global Campaign against Headache. J Headache Pain. 2018 Feb 14;19(1):15.
- ANTONACI F, FREDRIKSEN T, PAREJA JA, SJAASTDA O. Shortlasting, Unilateral, Neuralgiform, Headache Attacks With Conjunctival Injection, Tearing, Sweating and Rhinorrhea: The Term and New View Points Front Neurol. 2018 Apr 23;9:262. Erratum in: Front Neurol. 2018 Jul 18;9:547.
- ANTONACI F, GHIOTTO N, WU.S, PUCCI E, COSTA A. Recent advances in migraine therapy. Springerplus. 2016 ;17/5:637.
- COSTA A, ANTONACI F, RAMUSINO MC, NAPPI G: The Neuropharmacology of Cluster Headache and other Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2015;13(3):304-23.
- FREDRIKSEN TA, ANTONACI F, SJAASTAD O: Cervicogenic headache: too important to be left un-diagnosed. J Headache Pain. 2015 Jan 20;16(1):6.
- DALLA VOLTA G, CARLID, ZAVARISE P, ANTONACI F, TDCs treatment: long term results in drug resistant migrainous patients. J Headache Pain. 2015 Dec;16(Suppl 1):A178
- PUCCI E, CRISITINA S, ANTONACI F, COSTA A, IMBRIANI M, TAINO G.P034. Technostress and primary headache: psychosocial risk. J Headache Pain. 2015 Dec;16(Suppl 1):A147.
- .PUCCI E, DIAMANTIL, CRISTINA S, ANTONACI F, COSTA A. P032. Coenzyme Q-10 and migraine: a lovable relationship. The experience of a tertiary headache center. J Headache Pain. 2015 Dec;16(Suppl 1):A139.
- VOITICOVSCHI-IOSOB C, ANTONACI F, ROSSI E, COSTA A, PUCCI E, SANCES G, DALLA VOLTA G. Frontal thermography in healthy individuals and headache patients: reliability of the method. J Headache Pain. 2015 Dec; 16(Suppl 1):A122.
- PUCCI E, TAINO G, IMBRIANI M, COSTA A, CRISTINA S, ANTONACI F,. P033. Headache and commuting: preliminary data in a group of workers. Headache Pain. 2015 Dec;16(Suppl 1):A79. doi: 10.1186/1129-2377-16-S1-A79.
- VOITICOVSCHI-IOSOB C, ALLENA M, DE CILLIS I, NAPPI G, SJAASTAD O, ANTONACI F. Diagnostic and therapeutic errors in cluster headache: a hospital-based study. J Headache Pain. 2014 Sep 1;15:56.
- ANTONACI F, SJAASTAD O. Hemicrania continua: major shortcomings in the new classification. J Headache Pain. 2014, 2014: 13;15:61
- ANTONACI F, VOITICOVSKI-IOSOB C, DI STEFANO AL, GALLI F, OZGE A, BALOTTIN U. The evolution of headache from childhood to adulthood: a review of the literature. J Headache Pain. 2014, 18;15(1): 15
- ANTONACI F, SJAASTAD O, Hemicrania continua: towards a new classification? The Journal of Headache and Pain 2014, 15:8
- WESTERGAARD M LS, STEINER T, MAC GREGOR E A, ANTONACI F., TASSORELLI C, BUSE DC, LIPTON R. B, JENSEN R. H, The Headache Under-Response to Treatment (HURT) Questionnaire: Assessment of utility in headache specialist care Cephalalgia 2013 33(4) 245–255
- ANTONACI F., SJAASTAD O, Continuing on . . . Hemicrania continua – Cephalalgia 2013 33(2) 141–142
- ANTONACI F, DE CILLIS I, GERVASIO L, FATTORE C, BIANCHI M, VOITICOVSCHI-IOSOB C, NAPPI G, Monitoring the use of symptomatic drugs: a population study The Journal of Headache and Pain 2013, 14 (Suppl): S43-S62 ; 57
- DALLA VOLTA G, CARLI D, ZAVARISE P. ZANCHIN G, MAGGIONI F, ANTONACI F. tDCS treatment: first experience in drug resistant migrainous patients The Journal of Headache and Pain 2013, 14 (Suppl): S13-S41 , 34
- ANTONACI F, ALLENA M, VOITIKOVSCHI-IOSOB C, DE CILLIS I, NAPPI G. Diagnostic and therapeutics errors in cluster headache: a population-based study The Journal of Headache and Pain 2013, (Supl 14) s13-S41 ,14-15
- VIANA M, TASSORELLI C, ALLENA M , NAPPI G, SJAASTAD O, ANTONACI F. Diagnostic and therapeutic errors in trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias and hemicrania continua: a systematic review The Journal of Headache and Pain 2013, 14:14 , 2-11
- ALLENA M, CUZZONI MG, TASSORELLI C, NAPPI G, ANTONACI F. An electronic diary on a palm device for headache monitoring: a preliminary experience. Journal of Headache and Pain 2012 13:537–41
- M, FERRARI A, Mario GUAZZELLI M, NAPPI G, SANCES G, SANDRINI G, SAVI L. TASSORELLI C, ZANCHIN G. Italian guidelines for primary headaches: 2012 revised version. Journal of Headache and Pain 2012; 13 (Suppl. 2) S31-S70.
- NAPPI RE, TERRENO E, TASSORELLI C, SANCES G, ALLENA M, GUASCHINO E, ANTONACI F, ALBANI F, POLATTI F. Sexual function and distress in women treatment for primary headaches in a tertiary university center Journal Sex Med 2012 Mar. 9(3); 761-69
- STEINER TJ, ANTONACI F, JENSEN R, LAINEZ MJ, LANTERI-MINET M, VALADE D. Recommendations for headache service organisation and delivery in Europe. J Headache Pain. 2011;12(4):419-26.
- OZGE A, TERMINE C, ANTONACI F, NATRIASHVILI S, GUIDETTI V, Wöber-Bingöl C. Overview of diagnosis and management of paediatric headache. Part I: diagnosis. J Headache Pain. 2011;12(1):13-23.
- ANTONACI F, NAPPI G, GALLI F, MANZONI GC, CALABRESI P, COSTA A. Migraine and psychiatric comorbidity: a review of clinical findings. J Headache Pain. 2011;12(2):115-25
- TERMINE C, OZGE A, ANTONACI F, NATRIASHVILI S, GUIDETTI V, Wöber-Bingöl C. Overview of diagnosis and management of paediatric headache. Part II: therapeutic management. J Headache Pain. 2011;12(1):25-34.(
- ANTONACI F, SJAASTAD O. Cervicogenic headache: a real headache. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2011;11(2):149-55.
- PUCCI E, ANTONACI F, COSTA A, DE CILLIS I, SANDRINI G, NAPPI G. Medicina complementare e cefalee primarie. Confinia Cephalalgica 2010; 19 (1)
- ANTONACI F., ALFEI E., PIAZZA F., DE CILLIS I., BALOTTIN U. Therapy resistant cluster headache in childhood: Case report and literature review. Cephalalgia 2010; 30 (2), 233-38
- PEREIRA-MONTERO J, WYSOCKA-BAKOWSKA MM, KATSARAVA Z, ANTONACI F. Guidelines for telematic second opinion consultation on headaches in Europe: on behalf of the European Headache Federation (EHF). J Headache Pain. 2010;11(4):345-8.
- JENSEN R, MITSIKOSTAS DD, VALADE D, ANTONACI F. Guidelines for the organization of headache in Europe: the headache school II. J Headache Pain. 2010 Apr;11(2):161-5.
- ANTONACI F, De CILLIS I, CUZZONI MG, ALLENA M Almotriptan for the treatment of acute migraine: a review of early intervention Trials. Expert Rev. Neurother. 2010; 10(3), 349–362
- ANTONACI F, DUMITRACHE C, DE CILLIS I, ALLENA M. A review of current European treatment guidelines for migraine. J Headache Pain 2010; 11:13–19.
- ANTONACI F, SANCES G, LOI M, SANDRINI G, DUMITRACHE C, CUZZONI MG. SUNCT syndrome with paroxysmal mydriasis : clinical and pupillometric findings. Cephalalgia. 2010;30(8):987-90 (
- ALLENA M, TASSORELLI C, SANCES G, GUASCHINO E, SANDRINI G, NAPPI G, ANTONACI F. Is Hemicrania Continua a Single Entity or the Association of Two Headache Forms? Considerations From a Case Report. Headache. 2010; 50(5) 877-881.
- ANTONACI F, SANCES G, GUASCHINO E, DE CILLIS I, BONO G, NAPPI G. Meeting patient expectations in migraine treatment: what are the key end points? J Headache Pain. 2008;9(4):207-13.
- ANTONACI F, VALADE D, LANTERI-MINET M, LAINEZ JM, JENSE R, STEINER TJ Proposals for the organisation of headache services in Europe.; European Headache Federation and Lifting The Burden: the Global Campaign to Reduce the Burden of Headache Worldwide.Intern Emerg Med. 2008; 3 Suppl 1:S25-8.
- ANTONACI F, COSTA A, SMERALDI A, TASSORELLI C, GRECO R, CASONI F, BINI P, NAPPI G. Effect of pregabalin in a model of stress and nitroglycerin-induced hyperalgesia in the rat. Cephalalgia 2007; 27,6 675-76
- ANTONACI F, de KLIPPEL N, DIENER H-C New and better approaches to improve migraine treatment outcames. EFNS European Journal of Neurology 2007; 14 (Suppl.1), 321-27
- DIENER HC et al (Among which: ANTONACI F) Patent foramen ovale and miGraine: no reason to intervene. J Headache Pain. 2007;8: 3-6
- ANTONACI F, CHIMENTO P, DIENER HC, SANCES G, BONO G. Lessons from placebo effects in migraine treatment. J Headache Pain. 2007;8(1):63-6.
- ANTONACI F, Bono G, Chimento P. Diagnosing cervicogenic headache. J Headache Pain. 2006;7(3):145-8
- BONO G, ANTONACI F, MANCIOLI A, GUSCHINO E, MINONZIO G, MAURI M The management of headaches in the emergency department: critical issues. Neurol Sci. 2006;27 Suppl 1:S59
- BONO G, CHIMENTO P, ANTONACI F, BETTUCCI D, FORMISANO R, TAVANI M. Cefalea attribuita a trauma cranico e/o cervicale. Confinia Cephalalgica 2005; 14 (1), 31-3
- ZANCHIN G, ANTONACI F, CUPINI LM, MAGGIONI F, ROSSI PI, MAINARDI F, TORELLI P, TRUCCO M. Altre cefalee primarie. Confinia Cephalalgica 2005; 14 (1), 25-9
- ANTONACI F, BONO G, MAURI M, DROTTNING M, BUSCONE S.Concepts leading to the definition of the term cervicogenic headache: a historical overview. J Headache Pain. 2005;6(6):462-6.
- ANTONACI F, LAINEZ JM, DIENER HC, COUTURIER EG, AGOSTI R, AFRA J, FARKKILA M, OBELIENIENE D, VALADE D Guidelines for the organization of headache education in Europe: the headache school.; European Headache Federation. Funct Neurol. 2005;20(2):89-93. (
- ANTONACI F, COSTA A, CANDELORO E, SJAASTAD O, NAPPI G. Single high-dose steroid treatment in episodic cluster headache. Cephalalgia 2005 .
- TASSORELLI C, TORELLI P, GALLAI B, ANTONACI F, MANZONI GC, FANCIULLACCI M. Cefalea a grappolo ed altre cefalalgie autonomico-trigeminali. Confinia Cephalalgica 2004; 13 (3), 125-30
- COSTA A, RAVAGLIA S, SANCES G, ANTONACI F, PUCCI E, NAPPI G.: Nitric oxide pathway and response to nitroglycerin in cluster headache patients: plasma nitrite and citrulline levels. Cephalalgia. 2003;23(6):407-13. (
- ANTONACI F, COSTA A., GHIRMAI S., SANCES G., SJAASTAD O., NAPPI G. The indotest in cluster headache. Cephalalgia 2003; 23(3):193-6.
- ANTONACI F, GHIRMAI S, BONO G, CAPRIOLI F, NAPPI G. Quality of life in whiplash haeadche a 6 and 12 month follow-up. Cephalalgia 2003; 23, 7-741
- FISHBAIN DA., ANTONACI F, GHIRMAI S, BONO G, SANDRINI G, NAPPI G. Cervicogenic Headache Cephalalgia 2002; 21: 829-30
- ANTONACI F, BULGHERONI MA, GHIRMAI S, LANFRANCHI S DALLA TOFFOLA E, SANDRINI G, NAPPI G.: 3D Kinematic analysis and clinical evaluation of neck movements in patients with whiplash injury. Cephalalgia 2002;22:533-542 .
- PAREJA JA, ANTONACI F, VINCENT M.: The hemicrania continua diagnosis. Cephalalgia. 2001;21(10):940-6 .
- PAREJA JA, VINCENT M, ANTONACI F, SJAASTAD O.: Hemicrania continua: diagnostic criteria and nosologic status. Cephalalgia. 2001;21(9):874-7. (IF 3.502)
- ANTONACI F, FREDRIKSEN TA, SJAASTAD O.: Cervicogenic headache: clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria and differential diagnosis. In: Current Pain and Headache Reports 2001;5/4: 387-392
- GHIOTTO N., ANTONACI F. Headaches in the elderly. The case of I.D. (Cefalea nell’anziano: il caso della signora I.D.) Confinia Cephalalgica 2000; 9 (1) 17-21
- COSTA A, PUCCI E, ANTONACI F, DI LORENZO C, NAPPI G. Dopamine and prostaglandins in migraine pathogenensis: a review. Confinia Cephalalgica 2000; IX: 53-61
- SANCES G, SANDRINI G, COSTA A, ANTONACI F, CITTERIO A, NAPPI G. Headache in the diagnosis-related groups (DRG) era: management and appropriateness of admission. Funct Neurol; 2000; 15: 224-229 (
- BONO G, ANTONACI F, DARIO A, CLERICI AM, GHIRMAI S, NAPPI G. Unilateral headaches and their relationship with cervicogenic headache. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2000;18/2:S11-S15 (
- ANTONACI F, GHIRMAI S, BONO G,. NAPPI G. Current methods for cervical spine movement evaluation: a review. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2000;18/2:S45-S52
- BONO G, ANTONACI F, GHIRMAI S, D’ANGELO F, BERGER M, NAPPI G. Whiplash injuries: clinical picture and diagnostic work-up. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2000; 18/2: S23-S28
- COSTA A, PUCCI E, ANTONACI F, SANCES G, GRANELLA F, BROICH G, NAPPI G. The effect of intranasal cocaine and lidocaine on nitroglycerin-induced attacks in cluster headache. Cephalalgia 2000; 20: 85-91
- ANTONACI F, SANDRINI G, PROIETTI CECCHINI A, NAPPI G. Trigeminal reflex in unilateral headache. Cephalalgia 1999; 19: 4, 387-88
- TASSORELLI C, SANDRINI G, ANTONACI F, MICIELI G, NAPPI G: Experimental models for the study of cluster headache. It J Neurol Sci 1999;20: S21-S24
- M, RAFFAELLI E, ANTONACI F. Disability assessment as a basis for stratified care. Cephalalgia 1998; Suppl.18 (22), 40-6
- BONO G, ANTONACI F, GHIRMAI S, SANDRINI G: Cefalea Cervicogenica: realtà. Confinia Cephalalgica 1998 (7) 1, 39-43
- BONO G, ANTONACI F, GHIRMAI S, SANDRINI G, NAPPI G: The clinical profile of cervicogenic headache as it emerges from a study based on the early diagnostic criteria (Sjaastad et al., 1990).Funct Neurol 1998;13/1:75-7
- ANTONACI F. Drug abuse headache: recognition and management Cephalalgia 1998;18/18:47-56
- ANTONACI F, PAREJA JA, CAMINERO AB, SJAASTAD O.: Chronic paroxysmal Hemicrania and Hemicrania Continua. Parenteral Indomethacin: The “Indotest”. Headache 1998; 38: 122-128 (IF 1.269)
- ANTONACI F, GUILHERME DE ARAUJO LUCAS, SAND T.: Pressure algometry in healthy subjects: interexaminer variability. Scand J Rehab Med 1998; 30: 3-8
- SANCES G, COSTA A, PUCCI E, ANTONACI F, NAPPI G: Headache coding and diagnostic-related groups: a survey of one year’s admissions to a neurological department. Cephalalgia 1998; 18/21:73-75
- ANTONACI F, PAREJA JA, CAMINERO AB, SJAASTAD O: CPH and Hemicrania continua: lack of efficacy of sumatriptan. Headache 1998; 38:197-200
- ANTONACI F. What is the role of international societies and what could they do better ? Cephalalgia 1997; 17/17:25-28
- ANTONACI F Whiplash associated disorders: clinical picture and laboratory findings Confinia Cephalalgica 1997; 6, 156-158
- ANTONACI F, PAREJA JA, CAMINERO AB, SJAASTAD O: Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania and hemicrania continua: anaesthetic blockades of pericranial nerves. Funct Neurol 1997;12:11-15
- ANTONACI F, LANFRANCHI S., SANDRINI G., PUCCI E, NAPPI G. Linee guida per il trattamento dell’emicrania. Farmaci commercializzati per l’attacco e la prevenzione. Confinia Cephalalgica 1997; 6, 17-28
- ANTONACI F, SANCES G, MANNI R, BUZZI MG: Epileptic seizure during apirin and caffeine withdrawal in a drug induced headache. Funct Neurol 1996;11:333-337
- BONO G, ANTONACI F, SANDRINI G, PUCCI E, ROSSI F, NAPPI G: Pain pressure threshold in cluster headache patients. Cephalalgia 1996;16:62-66.
- SJAASTAD O, STOVNER LJ, STOLT-NIELSEN A, ANTONACI F, FREDRIKSEN TA: CPH and hemicrania continua: requirements of high dosages -an ominous sign ? Headache 1995;35:363-367. (
- SJAASTAD O, ANTONACI F. A piroxicam derivative, partly effective in chronic paroxysmal hemicrania and hemicrania continua. Headache 1995;35 :549-550.
- ANTONACI F, BONO G, ROSSI F, NAPPI G. Emicrania e cefalee sintomatiche. Principi di diagnostica differenziale. Confinia Cephalalgica 1994; 3 (4), 169-77
- ANTONACI F, SANDRINI G, DANILOV A, SAND T: Neurophysiological studies in chronic paroxysmal hemicrania and hemicrania continua. Headache 1994;34:479-483.
- ANTONACI F, PUCCI E, LANFRANCHI S, SANDRINI G: Pharmacological treatment of migraine attack: a review of the literature. Rom J. Neurol Psychiat 1994;32 :9-20.
- SANDRINI G, ANTONACI F, PUCCI E, BONO G, NAPPI G: Comparative study with EMG, pressure algometry and manual palpation in tension type headache and migraine. Cephalalgia 1994;14:451-457.
- DANILOV A, SANDRINI G, ANTONACI F, CAPARARO M, ALFONSI E, NAPPI G: Bilateral sympathetic skin response following nociceptive stimulation: study in healthy individuals. Funct Neurol 1994:9:141-151.
- ANTONACI F : Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania and Hemicrania Continua: Orbital phlebography and MRI studies. Headache 1994;34:32-34. (IF 1.563)
- SANDRINI G, ANTONACI F. Il paracetamolo nel trattamento dell’attacco emicranico. Confinia Cephalalgica 1993; 2 (1), 42-4
- SANDRINI G, ANTONACI F, PUCCI E, LANFRANCHI S, ROSSI F, NAPPI G: A neurophysiological approach to the evaluation of drugs activity in pain treatment. Funct Neurol 1993;8/6:41-46.
- SJAASTAD O, ANTONACI F. Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH) and Hemicrania Continua: Transition from on stage to another. Headache1993;33: 551-554. (
- MANZONI GC, GRANELLA F, SANDRINI G, ANTONACI F, ZANFERRARI C, NAPPI G: A computerized record chart for the study of chronic daily headache. Funct Neurol 1993;8:293-297.
- MICIELI G, TASSORELLI C, SANDRINI G, ANTONACI F, NAPPI G: The trigemino-pupillary reflex: a model of sensory-vegetative integration. J Auton Nerv System 1992;41:179-185.
- ANTONACI F, SJAASTAD O, CAPARARO M, SANDRINI G: La valutazione del sudore nella diagnosi delle cefalee unilaterali: revisione della letteratura. Confinia Cephalalgia 1992;1:87-95.
- BONAMICO. L, SJAASTAD O, ANTONACI F. Stenosi dell’arteria carotide interna e dolore periorbitale: descrizione di un caso. Confinia Cephalagica 1992;1:45-48.
- ANTONACI F, SAND T, SJAASTAD O: Hemicrania continua and chronic paroxismal hemicrania: a comparison of pupillometric findings. Funct Neurol 1992;7:385-389.
- ANTONACI F, SJAASTAD O: Hemicrania continua: a possible symptomatic case. Funct Neurol 1992;7:471-474.
- TRUCCO M, ANTONACI F, SANDRINI G: Hemicrania continua: a case responsive to piroxycam-beta-cyclodestrine. Headache 1992; 32: 39-40.
- ANTONACI F, BOVIN G, FASANO ML, BONAMICO L, SHEN JM: Pain Pressure threshold in humans. A study with the pressure algometer. Funct Neurol 1992;7:283-288.
- ANTONACI F. The sweating pattern in hemicrania continua and in chronic paroxysmal hemicrania. Funct Neurol 1991;6: 371-375.
- ANTONACI F, ZHAO JM, SCHAANNING J, SAND T, SJAASTAD O: The effect of hyperventilation test in cluster headache patients. Headache 1991;31:146-150.
- BORDINI C, ANTONACI F, STOVNER LJ, SCHRADER H, SJAASTAD O: “Hemicrania continua”: a review of the clinical manifestations. Headache 1991;31:20-26.
- KRUSZEWSKI P, ANTONACI F, BORDINI C, SJAASTAD O, WESTER K: Sympathetic functions in Parkinsonism treated with stereotaxis surgery: observations in 10 patients. Funct Neurol 1991;6:263-268.
- ANTONACI F, DE SOUZA CARVALHO D, SJAASTAD O: Pupillary response to topical naloxone in cluster headache. Funct Neurol 1991;6:137-144.
- BRODTKORB E, GIMSE R, ANTONACI F, SULG I, SJAASTAD O. The hyperventilation syndrome in neurological practice. Acta Neurol Scand 1990; 81:307-313.
- SAND T, SALVESEN R, ANTONACI F, SAUNTE C, SJAASTAD O: Cluster headache: a comparison of the proportions of abnormal recordings for several derived variables in tyramine pupillometry. Funct Neurol 1990;5:43-48.
- ANTONACI F, SJAASTAD O: Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH): a review of clinical manifestation. Headache 1989; 29:648-56.
- SJAASTAD O, FREDRIKSEN TA, ANTONACI F. Unilaterality of headache in classic migraine. Cephalalgia 1989;9:71-77.
- ANTONACI F, FREDRIKSEN TA, WYSOKA-BAKOWSKA MM, SAND T, SEIM A, SALVESEN R, BOGUCKI A, SAUNTE C, SJAASTAD O: Electronic pupillometry in healthy controls: response to sympathicomimetics. Funct Neurol 1989;4:91-103.
- PUCA FM, ANTONACI F, GENCO S, SAVARESE MA, PIAZZOLLA G, PRUDENZANO MP: Psychological factors in chronic headache: assessment by means of the SCL-90-R inventory. Cephalalgia 1989;9:33-51.
- PUCA FM, ANTONACI F, PANELLA C, GUGLIELMI FW, BARONE M, FRANCAVILLA A, CERUTTI R: Psychomotor disfunction in alcoholic and postnecrotic cirrhotic patients without overt encephalopathy. Acta Neurol Scand 1989;79:280-287
- PUCA FM, ANTONACI F, PANELLA C, GUGLIELMI FW, LADDAGA L, FRANCAVILLA A. Oral branched-chain amino-acids (BCAA) in the treatment of low-grande portal-systemic encephalopathy – A long-term trial Acta Neurologica Scandinava 77; 97
- SJAASTAD O, ANTONACI F, FRAGOSO YD: Cluster headache: further observation on the dissociation of pain and autonomic findings. Cephalalgia 1988;8:127-132.
- FREDRIKSEN TA, WISOCKA-BAKOWSKA MM, BOGUCKI A, ANTONACI F. Cervicogenic headache. Pupillometric findings. Cephalalgia 1988;8:93-103
- ANTONACI F, SAND T, FRAGOSO YD, SJAASTAD O: Sweating patterns in humans: II. Heat-induced forehead sweating and cutaneous temperature in healthy individuals. Funct Neurol 1988;3:217-223.
- ANTONACI F, SAND T, SJAASTAD O: Sweating patterns in humans: I. Exercise – and pilocarpine – induced forehead sweating in healthy individuals. Funct Neurol 1988;3:89-94.
- SALVESEN R, BOGUCKI A, WYSOCKA-BAKOWSKA MM, ANTONACI F, FREDRIKSEN TA, SJAASTAD O: Cluster headache pathogenesis: a pupillometric study. Cephalalgia 1987;7:273-284.
- SJAASTAD O, ANTONACI F: Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania: a case report. Long-standing remission in the chronic stage. Cephalalgia 1987;7:203-205
- SJAASTAD O, SALVESEN R, ANTONACI F: Headache research strategy. Cephalalgia 1987;7:1-6
- SJAASTAD O, SALVESEN R, ANTONACI F: The sweating anomaly in cluster headache: further observation on the underlying mechanism. Cephalalgia 1987;7:77-81.
- PUCA FM, BRANCASI B, GENCO S, MINERVINI M, SAVARESE M, ANTONACI F, D’URSI R, STRAFELLA G, SCARCIA R: H-response to photic stimulation in migraine: study with the EEG spectral analysis. Boll Soc It Biol Sper. 1987;LXII/7:651-658.
- PUCA FM, ANTONACI F, GENCO S, SAVARESE M: L’impiego di reattivi mentali in un centro cefalee. Min Med 1987;78:1021-1022.
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Capitoli libri in inglese
POLIMENO G, SAVARESE M, ANTONACI F, PUTIGNANO A, CAMPANALE D, TANNOIA N, PUCA F.M, Personality featurs inthalassemia intermedia: SCL-90-R and illneess behavior questionnaire Thalassemia Today: the mediterranean experience 1987; 425-433
PANELLA C, GUGLIELMI F, LADDAGA L, POLIMENO L, DI LEO A, FRANCAVILLA A, PUCA FM, ANTONACI F, LA NAVE L, GABRIELLI L, GIACCARI S,Oral branced-chain amino acids in the treatment of low portosystemic encephalopathy: a long term multicentric trial Liver and Hormones, Serono Symposia 1987; 97-106
G. SANDRINI, F. ANTONACI, E. PUCCI, G. BONO, G. NAPPI Evaluation of Pericranial Muscle Disorders by different methods Hedache Classification and epidemiology 1994; 97-101
SANDRINI G, ANTONACI F, MICIELI G, MARTIGNONI E, BONO G, NAPPI G, Methodologies for evaluating the pain control system in primary headaches Ten years of headache research in Italy: in memorian of A. Agnoli 1995; 19-32
ANTONACI F., MILANOV I. Cluster headache, neurophysiology and autonomic nervous system. Cluster headache Sindrome in general practice Basic Concepts 2000 Cap. 5; 35-41.
ANTONACI F., PRUSINSKI A. Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania: the clinical picture. Cluster headache Sindrome in general practice Basic Concepts 2000 Cap. 7; 53-63
ANTONACI F., BONO G. PAREJA J. Cervicogenic headache: diagnosis criteria. in: Cervicogenic headache Basic Concepts Eds: O. Sjaastad, TA, Fredriksen, G. Bono, G, Nappi Smith-Gordon London 2003; Cap. 6; 41-50
ANTONACI F., BULGHERONI M.V., SANDRINI G. Instrumental movement examination of the neck. in: Cervicogenic headache Basic Concepts Eds: O. Sjaastad, TA, Fredriksen, G. Bono, G, Nappi Smith-Gordon London 2003; 2003 Cap.12; 73-76
ANTONACI F, SJAASTAD O. Hemicrania continua. in Handbook Clinical Neurology. Vol 97 (3rd series) G. Nappi and M.A. Moskowitz, Eds, Elsevier B.V. 2010;97:483-7.
ANTONACI F. Cervicogenic Headache: Consideration of Pathogenesis. in Tension-Type and Cervicogenic headache C. Fernandez-de-las-Penas, L. Arendt Nelsen, R. D. Gerwin Jones and Barlett Lerning, Burlington MA 2010; Cap. 11: 117-122
van SUIJLEKOM H.A, ANTONACI F. ZIEKENHIUS C. Cervicogenic Headache. in: Handbook of Headache, P. Martelletti, T. J. Steiner (eds.), Handbook of Headache, Lifting The Burden London 2011; Cap 37: 472-480
STEINER T.J., ANTONACI F., QUEIROZ L. P. Van BELLE S. Organization of Headache services in: Handbook of Headache, P. Martelletti, T. J. Steiner (eds.), Handbook of Headache, Lifting The Burden London 2011; Cap 5: p60-66
ANTONACI F., M. ALLENA. Acute Anti-migraine drugs.in: Multidisciplinary management of Migraine. Pharmacological, Manual, and other Therapies. Part.II C. Fernandez-de-las-Penas, L. Chaitow, and J. Schoenen (eds.) Jones and Barlett Lerning , Burlington MA 2013; Cap. 9: 83-9
ANTONACI F., TASSORELLI C, ALLENA M,. Pharmacoeconomic aspects of drugs treatment of migraine. in: Multidisciplinary management of Migraine. C. Fernandez-de-las-Penas, L. Chaitow, and J. Schoenen (eds.) Jones and Barlett Lerning , Burlington MA 2013; Cap.12: 121-23
ANTONACI F, VOITICOVSCHI-IOSOB C, BONO G.: Headaches in patients with Idiophatic intracranial Hypertension in case-based Diagnosis and Management of headache disorders, Headache . Siva A, Lampl C eds, Springer Switzerland 2015, 34:1 235243
Capitoli libri in italiano
V. COVELLI, F. ANTONACI, C. CAPONERO, A. RIEZZO, V. LISO Rilievi anamnestici e correlati psicologici in soggetti affetti da leucemie acute Rivista di psichitria 1987 cap.22; 24-44
G. NAPPI, F. ANTONACI Le cefalee ED Medico Scientifiche 1991; 633-657
F. ANTONACI, G. SANDRINI, G. NAPPI Promopharma Milano 1992; 23-35
ANTONACI F. Cefalea e rachide cervicale. Trattato Italiano delle Cefalee 2010 Cap.38 – 497-505
1. O. SJAASTAD, F. ANTONACI : La Sindrome Cefalea a Grappolo Cluster Press, Milano 1990 p1 -533
2. ANTONACI F. Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania and hemicrania continua: two different entities ? Acta Universitatis Nidrosiensis facultatis medicinae. Series A: Dissertationis N139 NTNU Trondheim, Tapir 1998